Our school places great emphasis on students' balanced development in academic and extracurricular activities. In addition to over 40 school clubs and interest groups, we also have a symphonic band, choir, Chinese orchestra, and various sports teams for students to freely participate in. These opportunities broaden students' horizons, enhance their self-confidence and sense of responsibility, and provide a platform for them to showcase their leadership abilities. Every September, the Extracurricular Activities Department organizes a Club Recruitment Day for students to sign up for clubs freely. It is a school requirement for all students from Form 1 to Form 3 to participate in at least one club or society throughout the year. At the end of each semester, the students' performance in extracurricular activities is reflected in their report cards as a form of encouragement.


In addition to clubs and societies, our school also consists of four houses, and each year there are multiple student-initiated activities for students to participate in. Our students frequently participate in various inter-school competitions and open tournaments, achieving remarkable results. Furthermore, the school presents the Excellence in Extracurricular Activities Service Award, Outstanding Performance in Extracurricular Activities Award, and awards for inter-house competitions to recognize outstanding student achievements and provide encouragement.


Interest and Service Groups

Chinese Dance Group, Drama Society, Guitar Club, Symphonic Band/Fung Teng Chinese Orchestra, Choir, Juggling Club, Horticulture Society, Photography Club, Stage Management Team, Home Economics Society, Red Cross Youth Unit, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Chinese Calligraphy Society, Community Study Club, Social Service Team, Marine Conservation Society, Handicrafts Laboratory, Handicraft Society, Floral Arrangement Society, Drone Club, French Culture Society


Academic Groups

Chinese Culture Society, English Ambassadors, Mathematics Study Society, Civic and Social Development Society, English Public Speaking Club, English Debate Society, Chinese Debate Team, Chemistry Society, Physics Society, Maker Club, History Society, Travel and Hospitality Society


Sports Teams

Track and Field, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Indoor Rowing, Badminton, Dragon Boat, Freestyle Jump Rope, Table Tennis


Form 1 extracurricular activities class (Every Tuesday, 8th and 9th periods)

Symphonic Band, Chinese Orchestra, Chinese Dance, Freestyle Jump Rope, Juggling, Indoor Rowing, English Drama