Curriculum Structure

The curriculum is divided into compulsory and elective parts. The compulsory part comprises about two-thirds to five-sixths of the curriculum hours, while the elective part comprises about one-sixth to one-third. It is recommended that the compulsory part extends from Form 4 to Form 6, while the elective part starts from Form 5.


Compulsory Courses:

The compulsory part is foundational in nature. Through the compulsory courses, students develop the necessary literary literacy, including aesthetic experience, appreciation, analysis, and criticism of literary works. They gain insights into the contemporary spirit, social life, and emotional world conveyed by literature. Students are also encouraged to create literary works as a means of expressing their thoughts and emotions artistically.


The compulsory part primarily includes the study of "Literary Appreciation and Criticism" and "Literary Creation," supplemented by "Foundational Knowledge in Literature." The three aspects of learning are described as follows:

  1. Literary Appreciation and Criticism: This involves the perception, analysis, appreciation, and criticism of the content and artistic form of literary works. Students initially approach literary works based on their overall impressions, feeling the artistic influence. They then transition from perception to understanding, analyzing the linguistic elements, structures, and themes of the works. By analyzing the relationship between the works and the author's experiences and background, as well as studying the works' artistic techniques and style, students gain a comprehensive appreciation of the works' content, aesthetics, and literary value.

  2. Literary Creation: This focuses on students expressing their unique perceptions and emotions towards life or external matters through the art form of language and words. Literary creation is inspired by keen observations and contemplation of one's surroundings. Students mainly select, imagine, fictionalize, and refine materials collected from life, expressing them in concise, concrete, and vivid language and writing appropriate to the chosen form of literature. Through observation, reflection, and utilizing different writing techniques, students develop their keen senses and profound reflections on life, deepening their experiences in literary creation. With such experiences, students can better appreciate and evaluate literary works, distinguishing their quality and conducting critiques.

  3. Foundational Knowledge in Literature: Learning foundational knowledge in literature aids in students' understanding, analysis, appreciation, criticism, and creative abilities in literary works, serving as a supportive role in their learning. However, the learning of foundational knowledge should not be isolated and should be combined with suitable learning materials.

Foundational knowledge in literature includes the following four aspects:

  • The origin and evolution of various literary genres and the themes of works.
  • The basic characteristics and major techniques employed in various literary genres.
  • The distinctive styles of representative authors and their major influences.
  • Common terminologies used in literary criticism and creation.

指定作品篇目 2015/16 學年中四實施,2018年香港中學文憑考試生效。)


1 《秦風蒹葭》——

2 《九章涉江》——

3 《齊桓晉文之事章》—— 子(節選由「齊宣王問曰」至「王請度之」)

4 《庖丁解牛》——

5 《蘇秦約縱》—— 戰國策(節選自《秦策》,由「說秦王書十上」至「蓋可以忽乎哉」)

6 《鴻門會》—— 記(節選自《史記.項羽本紀》,由「沛公旦日從百餘騎來見項王」 至「沛公至軍,立誅殺曹無傷」)

7 《戰城南》——

8 《短歌行》——

9 《歸去來辭》(並序)——

10 《將進酒》——

11 《登高》——

12 《進學解》——

13 《醉翁亭記》—— 歐陽修

14 《前赤壁賦》——

15 《齊天樂》(綠蕪凋盡臺城路)—— 周邦彥

16 《南鄉子》(何處望神州)—— 辛棄疾

17 《雙調夜行船 秋思》—— 馬致遠

18 《法場.竇娥冤》(第三折)—— 關漢卿

19 《西湖七月半》——

20 《卻奩.桃花扇》(第七齣)—— 孔尚任

21 《接外孫賈母惜孤女.紅樓夢》(第三回)—— 曹雪芹 (節選自由「且說黛玉自那日棄舟登岸時」 至「也就不生別論」)

22 《死水》—— 聞一多

23 《錯誤》—— 鄭愁予

24 《書》—— 梁實秋

25 《我的四個假想敵》—— 余光中

26 《藥》——

27 《碗》—— 西 西

28 《日出》—— 禺(節選第二幕,由「李石清由中門進」至「把黃省三拖下去」)

Elective Course

Literary Creation - Original or Adaptation


I. Learning Objectives

  • To create or adapt literary works, allowing students to enjoy the pleasure of creation, express their thoughts and emotions, and unleash their creativity.
  • To enhance appreciation and creative abilities, and develop personal styles.

II. Key Focus

  • Understanding relevant writing theories.
  • Creating or adapting works using characteristics of different literary genres.
  • Using various creative techniques to express personal thoughts and emotions.
  • Cultivating revision skills.
  • Cultivating interest in creative writing.
  • Cultivating a diligent attitude towards creation (such as respecting original works, continuously improving drafts, and being open to feedback from others).

III. Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Students can create or adapt works of different literary genres to express thoughts and emotions and showcase individuality.
  • Students can demonstrate creativity in their own creations or adaptations.
  • Students develop interests and habits in creative writing, approaching it with diligence.